My Names Javy As You Can See I Have A Deep Liking Of Drawing I Draw Everything Well As In Either Pokemon Or Anime. I Have My Own Characters Actually x). But Other Than That I Like Hanging Out With Friends And Eating..... I LOVE EATING

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pokemon Card Giveaway !

Hey guys well i guess i might be giving away the pokemon cards in about TWO weeks so stay tuned for more on here or on my Youtube channel. The link to it is on the side bar to the right ! So yeah ill probably just wait two more weeks or so that away i can get more people in the giveaway :D So STAY TUNED ! x)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Too LAZY ! x)

Well im to damn lazy to do a pokemon review or any other kind of shit. But yet i do this , sooooo im just crazy as a mother fucker. WHAT am i cussing excuse my language x). Well im lazy A F sooooo i rather not do anything , ill post reviews starting tomorrow because its the weekend. so i have no school. WHICH you guys should feel honored because its my fucking weekend and im writing these things for YOU. AHAHH just kidding but yeah DEFINITELY starting tomorrow x)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Character Tsubaki :D

Hey guys im sorry i couldnt do a pokemon review in the past couple of days. Ive been busy with school and shit. So instead heres one of my characters Tsubaki Hikaru. Yes i came up with everything she belongs to me x)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pokemon Review Of The Day: Galvantula

Galvantula OWNS !

Type: Electric/Bug
Weaknesses: Fire, Rock
Strong Against: Grass, Dark, Psychic, Water, Flying
Rate: 8 Out Of 10
Abilities: Compound Eyes, Unnerve
HP: 70
Attack: 77
Defense: 60
Sp. Attack: 97
Sp. Defense: 60
Speed: 108
Total: 472
Galvantula is probably one of the best electric types in the game if not THE best. First like many electric types it has a high speed stat at 108. Which means you will out speed most of your opponents and it gets better because Galvantula can learn Agility. It also has a pretty good Sp. Attack stat of 97 like other electric types. So this is a good way to knock out opponent pokemon. Now its not its pretty good stat of Sp. Attack stat that makes it a awesome pokemon. The reason is because it has a ability called Compound Eyes. Which makes its accuracy 30 percent higher i think or 25, im not sure somewhere along there though. SO Thunder instead of having a 70 percent accuracy now has a 95 percent chance of hitting the target. Which is GREAT because Thunder is a strong move and with Galvantulas 97 Sp. Attack stat it can do some serious damage. So mainly Galvantula is a Special sweeper because of its high speed and Sp. attack stats. This is probably the only pokemon i use repetitively in Black and White just because its a great Electric and Bug type. The downfall is that Galvantula doesnt have a wide move pool only a few good moves. The move sets i recommend are:


Thunder- STAB and has a high accuracy shot which i can do MAJOR damage.
Thunderbolt- Even if both Thunder and Thunderbolt have about the same accuracy Thunder has more base power at 120 while Thunderbolt has a 95 base power. Thunderbolt has more PP though so its still recommended.
Bug Buzz- STAB and to deal with those nasty Psychic and Dark types. With a base power of 90.
Thunder Wave- Now you can choose any other move but Thunder Wave is recommend because you will need it for those faster pokemon and to paralyze pokemon. GREAT for the Elite Four.


Life Orb
Ability:    Compoundeyes
Nature: Timid
EVS: 252 Speed. 252 Sp. Attack
Thunder- STAB great accuracy
Bug Buzz- STAB helps with Psychic, and Dark types. (Grass Also)
Energy Ball- Just move type coverage against Rock and Ground types.
Volt Switch- To switch out in case you cant do anything to the opponent.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Milotic Drawing :D

I Finished My Milotic Drawing Today :D
Hope You Guys Like It x)
Drawned and Painted On Photoshop Cs4 x)

Pokemon Review Of The Day: Milotic


Type: Water
Weaknesses: Electric And Grass
Strong Against: Fire, Rock, Ground
Rate: 9 Out Of 10 !
Abilities: Marvel Scale
HP: 95
Attack: 60
Defense: 79
Sp. Attack: 100
Sp. Defense: 125
Speed: 81
Total: 540
Milotic is one of my FAVORITE water types ! You can see that Milotic is a great pokemon to have because if your looking for a specially defensive or defensive for that matter Milotic is a great choice. Mainly specially defensive i must say. Milotic only has two weaknesses and that is grass and electric. Now mainly all grass type and electric are special with a few exceptions. Milotic's high HP and high Sp. Defense allow it to take even very effective hits from frenzy plant and other attacks such as thunderbolt. Even being able to take some defensive attacks like seed bomb and wild charge in the new generation. That is thanks to it's high HP, high Sp. defensive, and its okay defensive being at 79. Milotic is also a good attacker. Special attacker as you can see with its Sp. Attack stat of 100 it can do serious damage with Surf, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, etc. Yes it can LEARN Dragon Pulse through breeding. Like most water types it can learn Ice Beam to deal with grass types which is good but its the electric types it cant really counter as in super effective moves that is. It CAN learn Bulldoze in the new generation but its power is only a base 60 and its Attack stat is only 60. But Milotic is still a GREAT edition to your team. I make reviews on pokemon ive used BEFORE or am USING. So i know that Milotic is a great pokemon. I have a few movesets i recommend for Milotic.
Surf- Now like in all pokemon games you need a pokemon who can learn Surf so why not teach it to Milotic it will be VERY powerful since its base 95 power and STAB AND Milotics high Sp. Attack stat of 100. Fire Types Burned OUT!
Ice Beam- This is for those nasty grass types that resist your Surf and its base 95 power will sure to knock the opponents out. (If they are not bulky)
Dragon Pulse- In some games there are a few dragon type trainers or gym leaders or if your playing HeartGold/SoulSilver Lance. So you can use this move with a base power of 90. The only way to get this move on a Milotic is if you breed it.
Confuse Ray - IF you want to get all technical then confuse ray is a good choice for confusing opponents and doing extra damage on them. Its also great for the Elite Four.
Life Orb
EVS: 152 HP, 80 Defense, 220 Sp.Attack, 56 Speed
Hydro Pump- STAB Massive Damage
Ice Beam- Type Coverage
Hidden Power Grass/Electric- Helps Deal With Other Water Types
Recover- When Low In HP Use This Recover And Sweep Through Everything AGAIN :D